This is the 3rd year for Pickin' for Wishes and they are happy to have helped so many children in granting their wishes. Pickin' for Wishes was started to make the wishes of local Make a Wish children come true. In this it' third year of raising money and sponsoring wishes Pickin' for Wishes so far to date has been able to grant more than 9 wishes for local children from Blair and Cambria County. This past year alone they sponsored 5 wishes for 5 very special children in the area.
I am very proud and honored to be able to be a part of such an amazing event coming up this year. I encourage everyone to please help in supporting such a great and selfless event. For more information please use the links below and find out more and how you can join in to help with such a beautiful event.
This was my first year being part of such an amazing and wonderful event. I was so honored to be here on such a joyful and amazing day and look forward to hopefully being apart of it again in the future. Thank you to all the hard work and time dedicated, and put in by so many people to this wonderful event.
I am very proud and honored to be able to be a part of such an amazing event coming up this year. I encourage everyone to please help in supporting such a great and selfless event. For more information please use the links below and find out more and how you can join in to help with such a beautiful event.
This was my first year being part of such an amazing and wonderful event. I was so honored to be here on such a joyful and amazing day and look forward to hopefully being apart of it again in the future. Thank you to all the hard work and time dedicated, and put in by so many people to this wonderful event.